115 Hp Mariner Outboard Service Manual

Have a problem? Instant download 1987-1993 Mercury Mariner Outboard Motors 2 STROKE 70 75 80 90 100 115 HP Service Repair Manual, Fix it! Keep Your Outboard. Download Mercury outboard repair manual, mercury outboard repair manuals online, mercury 115 hp outboard 2 stroke manual, mercury 40 hp 4-stroke outboard service manual pdf instantly.
Canon Ir3300 Hdd Software Hex. 1965-1989 Service Manual Application: 2 hp To 40hp 2 Stroke 1 & 2 cylinder engines. A Typical Mercury-Mariner Service Manual Contains The Following Chapters: Subjects may differ depending on year/model. RELATED MERCURY - MARINER OUTBOARD SEARCHES: Carburetor Models: CARBURETOR Theory of Operations Prime Start System This carburetor assembly uses the PrimeStart system for precise fuel delivery during start-up, at all temperatures. Two electrothermal valves are installed on the carburetor assembly. The upper electrothermal valve controls fuel flow for carburetors #1 and #2, and the lower valve controls fuel flow for carburetors #3 and #4. Before start-up, the electrothermal ram (needle) is retracted (the fuel enrichment valve is opened) according to the temperature, allowing a high percentage of fuel to flow form the flat chamber into the venturi during start-up.
During start-up, the electrothermal ram (needle) is still retracted (the fuel enrichment valve is opened) according to the temperature, allowing a rich air/fuel mixture to be fed to the cylinders. After start-up, the current supplied form the electric power source and then flows to the electrothermal valves causing the wax in the valves to heat up. As the wax heats up the electrothermal ram (needle) begins to extend, partially closing the fuel enrichment valve, and reducing the flow of fuel from the float chamber into the venturi. After a few minutes, the electrothermal ram (needle) is fully extended, the fuel enrichment valve is fully closed, and enrichment ceases. A - Electrothermal Valve b - Fuel Enrichment Valve c - Electrothermal Ram (needle) d - Carburetor #1 and #3 e - Carburetor #2 and #4 Acceleration This carburetor assembly uses an accelerator pump to ensure that the proper amount of fuel reaches all of the carburetors during rapid throttle openings (preventing temporary lean conditions).
School Timetable Generator Php. As the throttle is opened, the throttle lever rotates and pushes the throttle lever link rod. The throttle lever link rod then pushes the diaphragm in the dashpot, forcing out the air. The air flows through the in-line, one-way valve, and then to all of the carburetors.
This additional air flows into the carburetors and mixes with the fuel from the main jets. This air/fuel mixture is then injected into the venturi, ensuring that enough fuel reaches the engine. Ip Tool Canon Ip1900 here. As the throttle is closed, the throttle lever rotates back and the throttle lever link rod returns, causing the diaphragm in the dashpot to move back, As the diaphragm moves back, suction causes the air from the venturi of carburetor #4 to flow through a one-way valve in the carburetors and back to the dashpot. The in-line, one-way valve prevents the air in the hoses from flowing back to the dashpot.
Also, the diaphragm functions as a coasting enrichener during quick deceleration, preventing the engine form stalling. A - Throttle Lever b - Throttle Lever Link Rod c - Diaphragm d - Dashpot e - In-Line, One-Way Valve f - To Carburetor #1 g - To Carburetor #2 h - To Carburetor #3 i - Main Jet j - One-Way Valve Carburetor Adjustments Float Level 1. With carburetor turned upside down, and carb scale seated on inner edge, check float level from top of float to float bowl flange as shown. Adjust tab if out of specification. NOTE: Measure float level without gasket. NOTE: Bend tab to adjust float height. Idle Speed NOTE: Outboard should be completely warmed up for the idle speed adjustment.