Configure Hp Fingerprint Reader Windows 7
Canon 1d Repair Manual more. The HP Compaq nc6400 Laptop is a specialized business laptop that comes with advanced security features including a biometrics fingerprint reader. Biometrics means measurement of biological identity markers. Retina scans and fingerprint readers are the most common biometric devices. Setting up the. How to Set Up the Biometrics Fingerprint Reader on an HP Compaq NC6400. How to Set Up the Biometrics Fingerprint Reader on an HP Compaq NC6400 Laptop. The Credential Manager Wizard will open. Click 'Next' if you are the only user on the computer. If not, enter the Windows user name of the person whose fingerprint needs to be set.
You enroll your fingerprints by scanning each finger multiple times so the program can capture a consistent image of your finger. It is best to enroll your index finger and at least two other fingers for flexibility. Download Game Untuk Hp Nokia Asha 206. If for example, your index finger is scratched or injured, or even dry and dirty, the reader may not recognize it.
You can add or delete additional fingerprints at any time. For security, you are prompted for a password, or a good fingerprint scan, before it adds or removes a fingerprint. Read one of the following sections to start the fingerprint reader for the first time, or add or delete fingerprints after the initial set up. NOTE: You must have a valid user account on the computer, and enroll the fingerprints for that account, before you can register any password protected sites. Amatissima Toni Morrison Pdf Printer there. Starting the fingerprint reader for the first time in Windows 7 or Vista Starting the fingerprint reader to add or delete fingerprints in Windows 7 or Vista Registering or managing a secure logon account with SimplePass in Windows 7 or Vista Once a fingerprint is enrolled, you can register and manage a secure logon account for an application or web site.

The Password Manager collects the Username, a password, and any other required values for logging in. Easy setup using SimplePass in Windows 7 or Vista The easiest way to set up a new password account is to open the HP SimplePass application, and then open the secure application or web site and put them side-by-side on the screen. Follow the steps below to set up a new web site logon. Use your browser to navigate to a secure web site logon page. Type your Username and Password on the logon page, and then click the fingerprint logon icon that appears on the secured web site in the browser.