Core Php Programming Third Edition By Leon Atkinson
Core PHP Programming has 42 ratings and 4 reviews. James said: I found the second edition to be useful as a quick reference. Now that I am nearing the co.
Appropriate for all courses in PHP, as well as courses in Web scripting that cover PHP. Core PHP Programming, Third Edition is the most authoritative guide to the new PHP5. Leading PHP developer Leon Atkinson and PHP5/Zend 2.0 co-creator Zeev Suraski cover every facet of real-world PHP5 development, taking students from basic syntax to advanced object-oriented development. Atkinson and Suraski cover networking, data structures, regular expressions, math, configuration, graphics, MySQL/PostgreSQL support, XML, algorithms, debugging, optimization, the Zend 2.0 engine, and much more. Download Picture Style 2017 Canon 600d. They also offer an authoritative introduction to PHP5 design patterns—including the popular Singleton, Factory and Observer design patterns—helping students discover today's best practices for building robust, efficient PHP5 code. Building on two previous editions, this book presents more than 650 downloadable examples—all reflecting the insights of the creators of the Zend Engine that drives high-performance PHP5 development.
From start to finish, it has been carefully technically reviewed by PHP5 co-creator Andi Gutmans. Amatissima Toni Morrison Pdf Printer. New To This Edition • Thoroughly updated to reflect the major enhancements in PHP5—Includes Zend Engine 2.0 and advanced support for object-oriented programming. • Teaches students techniques they will be able to utilize for many years to come.

• Now co-authored by Zeev Suraski, co-designer of PHP, co-author of Zend Engine 2, and developer of many key PHP features—including its abstracted Web server API, thread safety, MySQL support, and output buffering. • Gives students authoritative, state-of-the-art information they can find nowhere else. Measuring Performance. Optimize the Slowest Parts. Canon Mv900 Driver Windows 7. When to Store Content in a Database. Debugging Strategies. Simulating HTTP Connections.
Output Buffering. Output Compression.
Avoiding eval. Don't Load Extensions Dynamically. Improving Performance of MySQL Queries.
Hp Ilo Management Channel Interface Driver. Optimizing Disk-Based Sessions. Don't Pass by Reference (or, Don't Trust Your Instincts). Avoid Concatenation of Large Strings. Avoid Serving Large Files with PHP-Enabled Apache. Understanding Persistent Database Connections. Avoid Using exec, Backticks, and system If Possible.
Use php.ini-recommended. Don't Use Regular Expressions Unless You Must.
Optimizing Loops. IIS Configuration.
About the Author(s) LEON ATKINSON is a freelance Web developer and architect who has been working with PHP since 1997. He formerly served as chief technologist for Clear Ink in Walnut Creek, CA, where he specialized in designing and implementing complex, PHP-based Web applications that automate business processes. He is author of Core MySQL. ZEEV SURASKI is co-creator of PHP 5’s Zend Engine 2. He also wrote many of PHP’s core features, including its abstracted Web server API, thread safety, MySQL support, and output buffering.
He co-founded Zend Technologies and currently serves as its chief technology officer. Backcover Copy Fully revised for PHP 5• The authoritative guide to real-world development with the new PHP 5 • Brand-new coverage of PHP design patterns, object techniques, and XML • Updated coverage of syntax, functions, algorithms, and PHP software engineering • Includes 650+ downloadable code examples • Co-authored by Zeev Suraski, PHP 5 contributor and Zend Engine 2 co-creator Praise for the third edition: “In the Third Edition of Core PHP Programming, Leon has invited my partner Zeev Suraski to cover the PHP 5 language changes. Leon’s experience in writing PHP books and Zeev’s superior knowledge of PHP 5 and its internals have led to a must-buy book for PHP developers. I hope you enjoy this book and that it accompanies you during the adoption phase of PHP 5.” —Andi Gutmans, PHP 5 contributor and Zend Engine 2 co-creator The authoritative guide to PHP 5! Master PHP 5, the easy, high-performance solution for enterprise-class Web development! Core PHP Programming, Third Edition is the authoritative guide to the brand-new PHP 5. Top PHP developer Leon Atkinson and PHP 5 contributor/Zend Engine 2 co-creator Zeev Suraski cover every facet of real-world PHP development, from basic syntax to state-of-the-art design patterns.
It’s all here: networking, data structures, regular expressions, math, configuration, graphics, MySQL/PostgreSQL support, XML, algorithms, debugging, and much more. Discover how to build enterprise-class applications that use PHP 5’s breakthrough object-oriented featuresand leverage the extraordinary Zend Engine 2 performance improvements this book’s co-author helped to implement. Every Core Series book: • DEMONSTRATES how to write commercial-quality code • FEATURES nontrivial programs and examples—no toy code! • FOCUSES on the features and functions most important to real developers • PROVIDES objective, unbiased coverage of cutting-edge technologies—no hype! Core PHP Programming, Third Edition delivers: • Accurate, thorough coverage of PHP 5 syntax, functions, and algorithms • Step-by-step guidance for PHP 5 database integration and XML development • Best practices for software design, debugging, and integration. Pearson Learning Solutions Nobody is smarter than you when it comes to reaching your students. You know how to convey knowledge in a way that is relevant and relatable to your class.