Dna Activation Mantra Pushpam
Method to chant 12 strand DNA activation Mantra Place a Sri Yantra (2D) photo in front of you at your forehead height. While you chant this mantra 108 times, look into the centre spot or the Bindu (Singularity – Black hole) of the Sri Yantra. The Mantra Pushpam. Mantra Pushpam Text, Meaning. “Yopam puspam veda. Jewish Tribes From India DNA Points To South India August 7.
#1 The Benefit: Reduces Anxiety and Depression The Technology: By combining sound, breath and rhythm, mantra meditation channels the flow of energy through the mind-body circuit, adjusting the chemical composition of our internal states and regulating brain-hemisphere imbalances, contributing to a natural abatement of fear and despair–emotions that underlie both of these common afflictions. By balancing the nervous system, chanting regulates the chronic stress and tension that is the norm for many people in today’s hyper-stimulated lifestyle. And by balancing the endocrine system, chanting normalizes hormone production, which balances our moods and overall sense of well-being. #2 The Benefit: Releases Neuroses The Technology: Chanting delivers us from the excessive preoccupation with our bodies and with material concerns. It delivers us from fear of old age and death. We begin to identify with the timelessness of the soul and consequently begin to shed neurotic habits that no longer serve and that no longer seem relevant. Hp Laserjet 3015 Printer Driver Download For Windows 7 32 Bit. By returning us to what is essential, it clears away subconscious habit patterns.

Embraced by the steady rhythm and by the vibration that connects us all, our thoughts combine wholly with the sound current. As the captain sets the canvas to the wind, thus pulling the boat out of trouble, it is through mantra that we steer ourselves out of #3 The Benefit: It is Soothing The Technology: The power of mantra is revealed in the roots of the Sanskrit word, man, meaning mind, and, tra, meaning deliverance, or, projection. Thus, chanting the sacred sound of the mantra delivers us from our sense dependency, from our unrelenting habit of looking toward the senses for gratification; pleasures that are and that will always be, fleeting and limited–how much can you eat? Sense gratification never really gratifies. Hp Deskjet 3745 Driver Free Download For Windows 7. We are always left either unfulfilled and guilty–wishing we had never started, or else, wanting more and lamenting the loss. Chanting is a pleasure that transcends the senses, it takes us beyond the bounds of time and space (which is why we don’t have to understand the mantra).
Thus it soothes in a most profound way. Aplikasi Playstore Buat Catat Stok Barang Dagangan Di Hp. It soothes on a cellular level.
It merges our finite identity with the infinite, and so dissolves us. It relieves us from the sights and sounds and stimulation of the material world and delivers us into a spiritual space, where the sound is God. The material needs are reduced to nothing but mind chatter, and like smoke pumped into the sky, will be scattered into the expanse. Through the sweetness of devotional surrender, mantra turns the negative into positive.
I once heard it said: “as music has charms to soothe a savage beast, so the spiritual sound of mantra soothes the restless mind.” #4 The Benefit: Engenders Compassion The Technology: While the first stages of mantra meditation deliver our restless minds from their self-inflicted distress, eventually, chanting into the all-engulfing wave of vibrations arouses our experience of ourselves as spiritual beings. It opens our perception of ourselves as undifferentiated from God. It awakens the divine light and love within us. As George Harrison has said of his lifelong Bhakti practice, chanting is “a direct connection with God.” When our spiritual identity is awakened, we experience the unity of all life, which consequently awakens our hearts and opens our capacity for compassion, whereupon we may live out our material lives free of animosity, envy and pride. #5 The Benefit: Boosts Immunity The Technology: It’s all about the hypothalamus. The control tower of the brain, it regulates communication between the nervous system and the endocrine system, taking in information from the entire body, before transmitting outward again, via chemical messengers. These couriers, such as serotonin and dopamine, are known as the “happiness hormones,” due to the impact they have on our moods.