Fairmate Hp 2000 Manual
HP 2000 Notebook PC Maintenance and Service Guide. Ati Mobility Radeon Hd 5470 Graphics Drivers For Hp. Bluetooth is a trademark owned by its proprietor and used by Hewlett-Packard Company under license.
Cypress Touchpad Driver Download. RadioPics Database - Fair Mate - HP-2000 Fair Mate HP-2000 Type: HF/VHF/UHF Receiver/Scanner Frequency Range: 500KHz to 1300MHz Modes: AM FM(narrow) & FM(wide) Memory Channels: 1000 Memories in 10 banks of 100 Search Banks: 10 preprogrammed may be reprogrammed by user Priority Channels: Any of the 1000 Channels may be used Scan Speed: Approx 20 Channels per second Search Speed: Approx 40 steps per second Increment Steps: N/A Scan Delay: Approx 2 seconds Sensitivity: AM: 3 uV FM.

Quote:>I have an HP100, but no instructions. Minimal Driver Hp Deskjet 5900 Windows 7 on this page. >I can manually input a frequency, and step size, but Idon't know how >to set up the scan and search modes. >Can anyone help with a quick resume of how to do this please? The HP-100 is the 'same' radio as the AOR AR1000 and you can download the AR1000 manual from their UK web site: Alternatives to this are the manual we wrote for this radio which are still available of the excellent 'guide to the AR1000' by Howard Bornstein (Hope this helps, have fun. Cheers, /------------------------------------------------------------------------ Jonathan Clough HF VHF UHF Receivers & Scanners from all the Javiation, leading manufacturers including: Bradford, ENGLAND, U.K. AOR AR16/5000/7000/7030/8000/8200, Alinco DJ-X10 Tel: +44 (0)1274 732146 Commtel 205/216/510, Icom IC-R2/R10/PCR1000 Fax: +44 (0)1274 722627 Realistic PRO-26/2042, Standard AX400B Yupiteru MVT-7100/MVT-7200/MVT-9000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------/. Epson Stylus Cx3200 Installation Disc on this page.