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That’s the number of months it took Palm, Inc. Edwin Gentzler Contemporary Translation Theories Pdf Printer. To go from the darling of International CES 2009 to a mere shadow of itself, a nearly anonymous division inside the HP machine without a hardware program and without the confidence of its owners. Thirty-one months is just barely longer than a typical American mobile phone contract.
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Understanding exactly how Palm could drive itself into irrelevance in such a short period of time will forever be a subject of Valley lore. There are parts of the story that are simply lost, viewpoints and perspectives that have been rendered extinct either through entrenched politicking or an employee base that has long since given up hope and dispersed for greener pastures. What we do know, though, is enough to tell a tale of warring factions, questionable decisions, and strategic churn, interspersed by flashes of brilliance and a core team that fought very hard at times to keep the dream alive. The following is an account of Palm’s ascent prior to the launch of the Pre, the subsequent decline, and eventual end, assembled through interviews with a number of current and former employees. 'PC guys are not going to just figure this out. They're not going to just walk in.' History has proven that tossing out a familiar platform that prints money for your business and starting anew isn't easy: just ask Apple and Microsoft, whose next-generation desktop operating systems in the 1990s (codenamed 'Copland' and 'Cairo,' respectively) floundered aimlessly for years before being replaced with other initiatives.
The politics of a mobile platform are no different. The entire process can quickly devolve into a holy war, it turns out, never mind the risk of alienating your users and third-party developers — the very people by whom any platform is ultimately made or broken. Around 2004, Palm — or palmOne, as it was known at the time — found itself in precisely this position. Though the company had endured a rocky decade of acquisitions, spinoffs, and splits, Palm OS had delivered it consistent success on iconic devices like the Pilot, the Palm III, the Palm V, and the Treo series.
And unlike many of its competitors in the PDA space, Palm had managed to undergo a reasonably smooth transition into the nascent smartphone arena (granted, it required the acquisition of Palm OS licensee Handspring to get there). Regardless, by 2005, it was clear: Palm OS had become an aging, architecturally deficient platform from a bygone era that was being progressively outclassed both by the hardware it ran on and by the capabilities that end users expected from their devices. Node Js Php Serialized. The company eventually bridged the gap by licensing Microsoft's Windows Mobile, which debuted on the Treo 700w. Firebird Php Generator Professional Supplement. Ed Colligan, who served in a number of executive roles at Palm before taking the helm in early 2005, had come from Handspring.
In fact, in one way or another, Colligan had been connected with Palm since the company's founding in 1992 with Silicon Valley luminaries Jeff Hawkins (whose final product, unfortunately, was the doomed Foleo) and Donna Dubinsky. Though Palm was in desperate need of a thoroughly new platform, it's easy to understand why Colligan thought that time was on his side: the PDA and smartphone markets were supposedly tough to crack.