Hp Jetdirect J3265a Firmware Update
I had no 'problem' to solve - I was only puzzled by the installed firmware-version of the embeded jetdirect j7949e which was higher (V.33.28.FF) than the latest version offered by hp (V.33.21). 'SHThompson' explained, that the firmware for the embedded jetdirect j7949e comes with the package of the regular firmware-update of the formatter-board, e.g. I updated the formatter-fw from 08.240.1 to 08.260.1 and at the same time the jetdirect-fw was updated from 33.25 to 33.28. =>stay with 'SHThompsons' proposal!
Some HP Jetdirect models, depending on their firmware version, can use the HP Jetdirect Embedded Web Server (EWS) to update the firmware remotely for a single printer – no extra software required. These steps should only be used if the printer is able to boot to READY.
(HP Issues Workaround for JetDirect Firmware) Many Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) Implementations Allow Remote Users to Deny Service or Obtain Access to the System - SecurityTracker Fix Available: Yes Vendor Confirmed: Yes Version(s): X. Bryan Magee The Great Philosophers Pdf Printer more. 08.32 and lower, where X = A through K Description: CERT reported that the University of Oulu (Finland) has discovered vulnerabilities in many vendor implementations of the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) version 1. The Oulu University Secure Programming Group (OUSPG, reports that there are numerous vulnerabilities in SNMPv1 implementations from many different vendors. A remote user can reportedly cause denial of service attacks or gain elevated privileges on the system.
The extent of the vulnerabilities depends on the specific vendor implementation. Canon Device Driver Software Not Successfully Installed. Impact: A remote user may be able to cause denial of service conditions or may be able to obtain elevated privileges on the system. Solution: HP reports that the following version are *not* vulnerable: X.21.00 and higher, where X = L through P. For customers with vulnerable versions (X.08.32 and lower, where X = A through K), HP has released the following workaround for the HP JetDirect firmware and is working on a firmware fix: Change the set-community-name and use theAccess Control List as described in 'HP Jetdirect Print Servers - Making HP Jetdirect Print Servers Secure on the Network': To limit the vulnerability, HP has the following recommendations: SNMPv1 security relies on the set community name. It is important that a set-community-name be configured on the Jetdirect device and that it be kept secret. Jetdirect Print Servers offer an Access Control List that can be used to specify which hosts can make SNMP configuration changes to Jetdirect Print Servers. The steps above can help prevent exploitation of the vulnerability.