Install Printer Driver Programmatically Change
Problem: I have a lexmark printer connected to my network. It can be used by: set printer to name 'lexmark' type (filename) to printer However, no matter what I do, I can't get 'type' to go to the correct paper tray--it always goes to the top one. But, if lcText = ESC+'&l4h'+chr(13)+'test message' then: set printer to name 'lexmark'???
I've written a script that installs several printers for a new user. I want to change the settings on some of these so that they can print on both sides of the page. I BELIEVE this involves modifying an attribute with printui, however it might need VB script or possibly another.NET language (I'd either use VB, C# or IronPython).
M.lcText will print a blank line and 'test message' on the bottom tray. ESC+'&l4h' being the printer escape code. Werewolf Wild West Companion Pdf Printer on this page.

However, this fails -- it always prints on the top tray: set printer to name 'lexmark'??? ESC+'&l4h' type (printfile) to printer I'm using visual foxpro 6.
ANYHELP will be surely appreciated as my top tray has important forms which I'm sure my staff will forget to move prior to printing. Hp Dc7800 Pci Serial Port Drivers Windows 7 more. Sincerely, Alan RE: Please Help.How do I programmatically change the paper tray? Set printer to name 'lexmark'??? ESC+'&l4h'+CHR(13) type (printfile) to printer 2. If you will be sending report forms to printer, then as your first line in the report format, add the line to send.
ESC+'&l4h' as fieldbox included in the report form. OR you may have to set that as the printers default setting and then create the report. The problem will be that you will forget that and edit the report on a later date whhich will then save the then default printer settings into the report. Also if you resort to printer report header hacking as in FAQ section of the older forum, then save the tray option without clearing all the data. ____________________________________________ ramani - (Subramanian.G) RE: Please Help.How do I programmatically change the paper tray? Hi Everyone; Thank you all very very much. With my type() command I am printing a text file that is built rather randomly from the 'actions' the user selects in merging two databases.
I am basically using a text file to record what is being done and the changes made by various programs. (I need a hardcopy to physically make the same changes to office charts).
I don't know how to make a generall enough report.form to handle all the various possibilities, so I have written a fairly simple but complete text editor to do the job. Hence, the faq on reports is great, but I'm afraid I don't think I can use it. (Unless there is a good way to use a very general report form without using records of fixed format). I believe I tried ending the??? With a cr, but unfortunately, type() still went to the wrong paper source. The idea of using two different printer drivers seems easiest to do. (I'm not quite sure how windows handles printer drivers--can I use two drivers on the same port?) Question: is there a simple API I can use?
And if so, how do I call it from vfp 6? Thanks again for all your help, Sincerely, Alan RE: Please Help.How do I programmatically change the paper tray? (Programmer) 26 May 04 06:02. Hi alan What Mike suggested is that you install the same printer what you have installed under your window os once again with a different name using the windows controlPanel->Printers->add printer whatever depending on your OS. SO when you add the printer once again, you will be left with two different icons under your Printers options. Now, name the one with different paperTray as example.
HP-UpperTray and the other one also suitably. Now in the printers properties under Win98 or whatever OS, select the paper tray and make that as your default for that printer.
In effect, imagine you select word and print a document, if you choose the HP-UpperTray, it should print using upper Tray. Same way if you choose the other, that specific tray will be used. Now in your VFP code, you can SET PRINTER TO [HP-UpperTray] or suitably before giving the print out command. Now you can forget about your printer codes. But you may have to use the same printer names in other users of the software as well. But for that Mikes idea is very nice. YOu can even overcome that as well, if you allow users to choose the printer using your code. Canon Lide 25 Scanner Driver For Windows 7 32bit.