Microsoft Office 2010 Deutsches Sprachpaket

Hp Deskjet 952c Series Driver Windows 7. In Office 2016, Office 2013, and Office 2010, the language options are in the Set the Office Language Preferences dialog box. The display and help languages can be set independently. Preferences dialog box, under Choose Display and Help languages, click View display languages installed for each Microsoft Office program. If a language accessory pack is described as having partial localization, some parts of Office may still display in the language of your copy of Microsoft Office. If a language is listed only once, for example German, then that pack includes the tools for all countries/regions that use that language.
Office 2010 Language Packs are add-ins that enable desktops to support multiple languages, including Menus/Display, Help, Dictionary, Thesaurus, and Spell Checker. Language packs enhance the user experience. For example, users can choose to use individual aspects of the language pack, such as the spell checker feature, which they can use to proof a document in a language other than the default language that is configured on their computer.
Language Packs enable localized Menus/Display, Help, and document proofing tools for most Microsoft Office 2010 applications, including Access, Excel, InfoPath, OneNote, Outlook, PowerPoint, Project, Publisher, SharePoint Workspace, Visio, Word, and the Microsoft Office 2010 suites that contain these products. Language Packs are not supported on Word Starter 2010 and Excel Starter 2010. Access 2010 and Project 2010 are not supported in Hindi. Language packs are available for the following languages: Arabic, Brazilian Portuguese, Bulgarian, Croatian, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Czech, Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Kazakh, Korean, Latvian, Lithuanian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian Latin, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, Turkish, and Ukrainian. For information about deploying multiple languages, see our earlier blog, Deploying Office 2010 with multiple languages () for a list of resources. For information about how to purchase Office 2010 language packs, see the Office 2010 language options page (). Microsoft is working with local language authorities around the world to provide free Office Language Interface Packs for languages that are not covered by Office Language Packs 2010.
For more information about acquiring Language Interface Packs, visit the Microsoft Local Language Program website ().
On Fri, 09 May 2014 16:05:07 +0200, Herrand Petrowitsch wrote: >Jrgen Meyer wrote: >>>Wei jemand wo man den Office 2010 Language pack (spanisch x86, X16-37740.exe) >>runterladen kann? >>Wie wre es beim Hersteller selbst? Z.B.: >Hallo Herrand, Danke fr den Link Das ist ja einfach:) Was habe ich gesucht (und nicht gefunden) >>Methode 2 und weiter, Sprache auswhlen. >Welches OS genau wird verwendet? >>>Der Link auf >>>>>>>>funktioniert leider nicht mehr. >>Gut so!:-) >Software bitte nur vom Hersteller selbst beziehen. Stimmt natrlich.
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>>Und wenn Du meinst, eine bessere Quelle fuer die Sprachpakete zu kennen als, rueck nur raus damit. In habe ich den korrekten Link gepostet. hat damit nichts zu tun! [Restliche, G2-lange Zeilen entsorgt] BTW: Deine Zeilenlnge saugt. Verwende bitte einen Newsreader, danke. -- Gru Herrand jankro.@gmail. Debian Install Postfix Php Mail Headers on this page. com 21/7/2014, 2:46 น.