Qtp 11 Download Hp Site

0 Flares Twitter 0 Facebook 0 Google+ 0 LinkedIn 0 Email -- 0 Flares HP has released the latest version of QTP and it is being called HP Unified Functional Testing (UFT) 11.5. As mentioned in the previous article on the, the trial version of UFT 11.5 is now available for download from HP website. The trial period of the software is 30 days.
Jul 17, 2011 QTP 11 can be downloaded easily from HP's website. I have tried installing QTP 10 on my Windows 7 desktopn but after installation it didn't worked but on some of my friends lappy it worked. QTP 11 now provides replay support for Google Chrome browser. You would need to download and install the patch QTPWEB_00088.EXE available at HP’s support site.
You can either check the below video or follow the step by step approach (provided after the video) to download UFT 11.5 from HP website. Steps to Download UFT (QTP) 11.5 from HP website 1) Go to. You will be navigated to the page shown in the below screenshot. 2) Click on the trial software section to expand it. Once expanded, you will see the links for various trial software that are currently available for download. Contoh Program Oop Php Ebook. 3) Click on ‘HP Unified Functional Testing 11.50 CC English SW E-Media Evaluation’ link. You would be taken to a page where you would need to provide your personal details as shown below.
4) Enter all the mandatory details and then click on Next button at the bottom of the page. If all the details are filled in correctly, you will be navigated to the ‘Terms of Service’ screen as shown below. 5) Click on “I Agree” to move to the main download screen as shown in the below image. 6) Click on the Download link to download the software. The software will be downloaded as a ZIP file. As shown in the above image also, the size of UFT 11.5 is around 1.7GB. Downloading the software will take 1-2 hours (depending upon the internet speed).
Related Article: In case you face any issues while downloading UFT 11.5, please feel free to contact us using email or using the comments section. Download Kodak Esp 7 All In One Printer Software.