Bedienungsanleitung Canon Mp610 Pdf Viewer
Due to an error regarding service mode operations in some Canon service manuals I have accidentally erased EE-PROM info on a Pixma 5200 and made an unwanted ink absorber reset on a Pixma 4200. The service manuals for Pixma's 3000,4000 and 5000 correctly lists a 5 step procedure to perform service mode operations, but the service manuals for Pixma's 4200, 4300, 4500 and 5200 and ix4000/5000 are missing the very important item 5. Other manuals might have the same error. Hp Deskjet 930c Driver Download For Windows 7 64 Bit.
It looks like manuals for the PGI-5/CLI-8 printers are affected. The missing item 5 should read: 5) After the function (menu) is selected, press the Power button. The LED lights in green, and the selected function is performed.
View and Download Canon PIXMA MP610 Series quick start manual online. Canon All in One Printer Quick Start Guide. PIXMA MP610 Series All in One Printer pdf manual download. Mp610 Canon Manual Methode)Disconnect the power cable Hold down power button Reconnect the power cable With the power button still down, press twice the “Cancel/Stop” red button Release the power button The printer is now in factory mode.
(When the operation completes, the printer returns to the menu selection mode automatically.) This means that after you have completed the first four steps, the power button now serves as an enter button, executing the command you have selected with the Resume/Cancel button. But when you miss the info in item 5 and complete the first four items nothing happens, the printer is waiting for your selection and execute command. If you hit the power button now, no harm is done, no command is selected, and the printer switches off. If you try randomly pushing buttons after the first four steps and hit the power button at some time, then what command have you accidentally selected and executed? Sadly the printers have no undo function in service mode.

I wondered why I had no problems with service mode on Pixma 4000, but had problems with the Pixma 4200 and 5200. I found out by comparing the manuals. I have put a text file with a warning in the folder containing my Canon service manuals, but does anybody know a freeware program to edit PDF files? PeterBJ I use Nitro PDF Reader 2 which is a very useful tool and is a free download. To edit files you may need their Pro.
Hope this helps. I note you seem to be experienced in looking into service manuals, I have error wrong print head on my Pixma MP760 because I pulled back a sheet of paper going in crooked, try to avoid paper stuck everywhere. I cannot possibly see what that has to do with the print head. I posted a request but no ideas yet.
But currently cannot access anything, also looking at these re-set CD's on E-bay. Hi barfl2 Thanks for the tip about the Nitro PDF Reader. The site list a 'type text anywhere' feature, maybe that is just what I am looking for. Simple Rmi Program Using Netbeans For Php more. I will give it a try. The Reset CD is probably the Canon Service Tool needed for service mode operations on newer Canon printers using the PGI-520/CLI-521 and probably the PGI-525/CLI-526 cartridges.
It has no use on a BCI-3/6 printer like the MP 760, so don't spend money on that CD. In case you do not already have the service manual, Google found it here: This manual is very different from the manuals for the stand-alone BCI-3/6 printers.
Instead of service mode it has a factory mode and operations are different from those used on Pixma 4000. I have no experience with the MP760. I doubt that clearing info stored in the printer will clear the error, like The Hat I also think that a sensor might be blocked by a piece of paper or might have come out of proper position. The wrong printhead message usually means the printhead has become defective, but I don't understand how a stuck piece of paper could ruin the printhead. If you have not already done so, you could try cleaning the contacts on the back of the printhead and the contacts in the printhead carriage with a piece of kitchen paper moistened with isopropyl alcohol.
Good luck with the troubleshooting. The Hat Thanks for ideas will give it a go, I have already tried turning power on and off, taking print head out but that did'nt work. There is not any paper inside I pulled it back just after it started to feed so no torn paper inside.
It seems odd if you have a jam and have to clear it you do not expect to get a print head error. Authentic Happiness Martin E P Seligman Pdf Printer. No reply from Canon support yet.