How To Install Phpfox On Xampp
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The installation of PHPFox involves the following steps: • • • Step 1 Purchase PHPFox First of all, you need to make sure that you have a valid PHPFox license. If you did not purchase the script yet, now is the time to do so from the official. You need to register a new account and choose the actual PHPFox plan you will be using. The offered plans are available via the list.
It is important to purchase the PHPFox license for the exact domain you will be using for your website. Step 2 Download and prepare files Once you purchase the product, you need to access your PHPFox account’s dashboard. You will notice the actual domains you have a license for. Hp Phoenix Crisis Recovery Download. Click on your domain and you will be taken to the PHPFox license page. On it, you need to select the PHPFox version you want to download and accept the license agreement. The next step is to extract the files of PHPFox on your local computer. When you do so, this will create two folders and a readme file.
The actual files that you need for the installation are within the upload/ directory. Next, you need to consider the exact location, where you wish to install the script. For this step, you have the following two options: • Install PHPFox in public_html. Canon Lide 25 Scanner Driver For Windows 7 32bit.

Let us say that your domain name is called and you would like to access your new PHPFox installation directly through it. In order to achieve that, simply access your account over FTP and navigate to the public_html/ directory. You need to upload all of the contents of the upload/ directory directly within that directory on your account.