Install Mcrypt Php Extension Debian Squeeze
Installing php and php extensions on Debian / Ubuntu. Canon Mp500 Mp Navigator Download. For debian squeeze. Php-pear php5-imagick php5-imap php5-mcrypt php5-memcache php5-mhash php5-ming php5-ps.

When installing Laravel 4 on a fresh Ubuntu or Debian system, you’ll probably get this error message: “Laravel requires the Mcrypt PHP extension.” To install the mcrypt php extension, do this: sudo apt-get install php5-mcrypt and restart the server sudo service apache2 restart By the way, this might be off-topic, but let’s be honest: Laravel is a wonderful thing, but the install instructions are. Well totally incomplete. It’s impossible to install laravel without doing some additional things that are simply not documented. The official tutorial completely misses the installation of the necessary plugins, necessary mod_rewrite shit and necessary vhost actions..
I totally agree. For those of us starting out, it has been a total pain trying to get things started. I wasted countless hours just trying to get Laraval running on MAMP, and got mostly there, but had a ton of issues with basic routing. On the forums, some users suggested trying out Vagrant, and that went a lot smoother, but just tried to create my database and got the missing mcrypt error. I still have not found a bash file that gets everything just right for Laravel. Someone should do a Laravel Vagrant tutorial that explains things in more detail.
The best tutorial I have found so far is – but even that one caused some issues for me. The author graciously pointed me to – and that got my LAMP stack up on Vagrant. But still does not help with getting Laravel working on Vagrant. Anyhow, slowly making progress, but I just thought things would be a lot simpler to get started.
Tags:,,,,, This article describes the setting up of PECL Taint module for PHP5 in Debian Squeeze. You will want to install the PECL taint module if you develop PHP applications, or if you test and deploy bespoke PHP code written for you by third parties. The installation of Taint is easy, and it may detect security errors in your PHP code. The idea of Taint is analogous to the Perl taint option.
When PHP code is executed input from untrusted sources is flagged as 'tainted' by the Taint module, and unless the code calls a routine known to remove this flag, use of the variable is considered suspect and raises a warning (or error if so configured). Like all automated security checks PHP Taint is not fool proof, on the other hand it will spot easily detectable security issues, and my experience of such errors is it is always the little bit you added-on in a hurry, or the extra PHP file you included which you forgot could be accessed directly, that breaks your site's security. Typically you will want to deploy the Taint module on development or staging servers, and run coverage type tests so that all your PHP code is executed with Taint enabled, and check if any errors are produced.
It is advised against running the Taint module in production. Taint was written by Wietse Venema (of Postfix and TCPwrapper etc) and is maintained by Xinchen Hui. Documentation: Assumptions: • You have a Debian Squeeze server. • You have to develop PHP applications. • You use, or plan to test with, Apache2 as your web server. Backup your server if you haven't already. First you want to install package 'php-pear' to install PECL modules.
# apt-get install php-pear (the above command will install Apache and PHP5 if you don't have them already). # pecl install taint That wasn't too hard.
In theory when it is out of date you can type ' pecl install taint' again, although I note currently it doesn't install under Debian Wheezy as that has PHP 5.4.4 (as far as the install script is concerned) and taint currently only builds against PHP versions 5.2>= and = If you do not understand why this code is suspect, Taint really is for you, but see the Wikipedia page on Cross Site Scripting. Although failure to validate inputs can cause other types of security issue in web applications, such as SQL injection which is potentially a lot nastier. Visit the URL corresponding to the 'test.php' file above, passing ' test=hello_world' as a parameter._ e.g.: You should see a message like: Warning: main(): Attempt to echo a string that might be tainted in / on line 3 The error will either be in the appropriate Apache error log, or displayed in the resulting web page.
If you can't find it in either location, check the settings in ' /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini' for ' display_errors' ' log_errors' and ' error_reporting' fix as appropriate, restart Apache and check again. Canon Printer Drivers Lbp 3010. If that fails create a file calling the ' phpinfo();' function to check if the module is loaded correctly. Remove the 'test.php' file once you have established the Taint module is working, or figure out how to secure it! Your installation is complete, you can run coverage tests on your PHP code now.