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Weston Languange: en Publisher by: CRC Press Format Available: PDF, ePub, Mobi Total Read: 52 Total Download: 733 File Size: 49,5 Mb Description: Shelving Guide: Electrical Engineering Revised, updated, and expanded, Electromagnetic Compatibility: Methods, Analysis, Circuits, and Measurement, Third Edition provides comprehensive practical coverage of the design, problem solving, and testing of electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) in electrical and electronic equipment and systems. This new edition provides novel information on theory, applications, evaluations, electromagnetic computational programs, and prediction techniques available. With sixty-nine schematics providing examples for circuit level electromagnetic interference (EMI) hardening and cost effective EMI problem solving, this book also includes 1130 illustrations and tables. Including extensive data on components and their correct implementation, the myths, misapplication, misconceptions, and fallacies that are common when discussing EMC/EMI will also be addressed and corrected. Author by: Manuel Perez Donsion Languange: en Publisher by: Cambridge Scholars Publishing Format Available: PDF, ePub, Mobi Total Read: 47 Total Download: 683 File Size: 47,7 Mb Description: Power quality is a very broad subject, covering all stages of power systems engineering, from the generation, transmission, and distribution levels to the end-users.
This book contains a selection of the best papers on power quality presented at the International Conferences on Renewable Energy and Power Quality from 2003 to 2012. The volume represents a unique selection of the best contributions to power quality exploitation and evolution over the past decade. As such, it provides an up-to-date reference point for researchers, technicians and engineering interested in the state of the field of power quality. This book will primarily interest professional engineers and researchers dealing with power quality, but will also prove useful to postgraduate level students. It can also be used as a reference book for engineers, physicists and mathematicians interested and involved in operation, project management, design, and analysis of power quality issues.